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Mauricio Prunera
25 may 20221 Min. de lectura
Concierto de Navidad
En asociación con Bridge Point Church y New City Network, pudimos presentar cuatro conciertos navideños en diferentes lugares. Visitamos...
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Mauricio Prunera
25 may 20221 Min. de lectura
Celebración del "Pastel del Rey"
We had a special celebration for “The King Cake” tradition here in France. Celebrating to the new born King of Kings.
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Mauricio Prunera
25 may 20221 Min. de lectura
El más grande amor
On February we remembered the greatest love, A Friend who gave his own life for his friends: Jesus Christ.
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Mauricio Prunera
25 may 20221 Min. de lectura
Semana santa y McLean Bible Church
For Easter we received the first Mission Trip from MBC Church
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Mauricio Prunera
25 may 20221 Min. de lectura
Día de la madre
Mother’s day was the perfect occasion to celebrate together and show our love and interest for all the present mothers.
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